




I got this off of a Facebook page that I go to when I can because I have Fibromyalgia….

Sometimes it is very hard to do both. Especially if you are like me and have to look at scars every day. I do my darndest to forgive him because I am a christian woman, but it is very hard to forgive and forget with the scars staring at you daily. What are your thoughts?

Good morning

Good morning



Good morning everyone! I am baaaaack! Lol. I hope everyone has been well. I have been having some health issues and some minor family issues but all in all I am “ALIVE” so I guess I can’t complain too much. Hope you all have a beautiful, blessed day and alot of “Brighter Tomorrows”



Personal Post

I have been so frustrated lately with my health. It is getting worse, and I just want to go back to the days when I was the happy go lucky, could do anything person. 

I have a hard time moving around and they have upped my medicine AGAIN. So I stay sick, and dizzy and nauseous! I try to stay positive about everything and take one day at a time but some days I just want to scream. And this all started after my abusive husband! I just want him to have a fraction of what I go through and I guarantee he would go crying to his mother like a big ole baby.

I wish I could get inside men’s heads and figure out why they think it is necessary to beat on and belittle women. Cause if it is to try to make themselves seem like they “are the man” then I have news for them, all it does is make them look like an idiot!  

I will get off my soap box and let everyone to enjoy their day. 


A Break




I will be taking a break for the next 3 weeks starting tomorrow. I haven’t seen my children in awhile and they will be coming to MY house to spend 3 weeks with me. The youngest 2 in the picture. It is not often they get to come to my house, I go there when I can. They live in the next state over. But as you can about imagine, I am thrilled and can not wait to spend some “quality mommy time” with them. They brighten my days so much and ALWAYS put a smile on my face.

So please bear with me and excuse my absence, I will be back shortly. Thank you for understanding.

Today is a NEW day

a new day



As most of you know who follow my blog…..not only have I been abused, but I also have Fibromyalgia. The Fibro was brought on by all of the abuse.

Last week I was FINALLY able to get to a Neurologist. I have severe migraines and blurry vision. I also fall alot and my arms, hands, and toes will go numb. So they want to do an MRI. They MRI is to check for pinched nerves and bulging discs in my spine and also to check for a brain tumor  for my migraines.

I will be very worried until the MRI is done and I get the results. I know that I should leave it in God’s hands, but I can’t help but worry.

As for the NEW DAY, I have decided that with all the problems the abuse has brought me, I am not going to let it control my life anymore. I am taking over so look out world!




Good morning to all ~
I’m sorry I have been absent for awhile….have been dealing with a few things. But I think I have things under control.
I would first like to say that I now have limited access to the internet so I won’t be posting as much as I did before I took my small leave of absence. I am truly sorry for this but I will post as much as I can. I will try to keep things updated from my phone.
Now to the reason for this post :  I named it Choices because I seemed to have forgotten that I do have choices when it comes to my life. I can either sit there and let all of my past abuse eat me up inside and consume me with hatred and anger and disgust and being bitter all the time, or I can TRY to do something about it. I must admit, most of the time I am pretty good at dealing with it, but every now and then it sneaks up on me and I get in a serious slump. And when I do it is hard to get out of.  But, I have made a pact with myself, I will NEVER again let myself get dragged down like that again. 
So, all I have to say to all the people out there that are going through what I have gone through, it is NOT worth harboring anger and hatred….all it does is make you miserable. At first, yes, scream, do whatever you gotta do to get it out of your system, but after that let it go and move on to “Brighter Tomorrows”



Sorry I havn’t been posting a lot. I have been having issues….so to speak.

I went to my therapist the other day and she says that I harbor a lot of resentment and anger towards my abuser. There were a whole lot more than one but we were focusing on my last husband.  I kind of laughed at her and said you think.

She told me that if I wanted to move on I would have to forget about him. I told her that is all finally e an dandy except for the fact that I have to look at stab marks everyday.

The picture above is my arm. And that is the PG rated version. I have to look at those every day…how am I supposed to get over the resentment and anger?

So I would like everyone’s opinion on how I’m supposed to get over the anger, looking at stab marks every day?

Posted from WordPress for Android

Down In The Dumps

down in the dumps



Ever have one of those days when you just feel like nothing you do is going right? Well yesterday was one of those days. And I have a feeling today is going to be one of those days as well.

Yesterday was a gorgeous day outside and on those kind of days I usually feel wonderful because I can get outside and pull weeds, or hang clothes, or play with the dogs. But I just had the blues yesterday. I love listening to music and had music on yesterday morning and my abusers and I’s wedding song came on and that just blew my day to hell and a hand basket. NO, I didn’t get all teary eyed and awww I miss him and I want to go back. That type of thing. It brought out the anger in me. Like how in the world could I have been so stupid to marry his pathetic little behind? 

Just curious, but has anyone else had something that they regretted doing so much that later it brought out anger in them?

Well, I am trying to get in a good mood today. I am thinking positively, and NOT listening to music. And looking up positive inspiration on the internet. So YES today will be a picture day on my blog…LOL.

Today will also be a day for catching up on comments! Hope everyone has an awesome day. Let’s see if we can catch those “Brighter Tomorrows”!







Please accept my temporary leave of absence….as the pic shows above I am sicker than I don’t know what. If I don’t get better soon I will have to break down and go to the doctor. I will be back as soon as I feel better. I can’t in all honesty, put my best foot forward towards this blog if I don’t feel well. So, once again, please forgive my absence and I will return as soon as I can.

Thank You
